Sunday, August 22, 2010


So I'm walking to the bus stop, and hear a sort of clomping noise above the traffic. I turn to look, and sure enough, there is a horse in the street. Ok, so sometime cops ride around on horses here, like in the tourist areas. But this is in my new neighborhood, and the rider isn't a cop.
And the horse is pulling something. It looks like...a carriage? A glass carriage, kind of square and---something inside the or...
Holy crap.
It's a coffin.
And that's a line of taxis trailing it.

Do you mean to tell me, Britain, that if I die here, I can have a HORSE-DRAWN freaking FUNERAL PROCESSION???? Dude, I'll bet you have some kind of weird service that I can...

...find on the Internet. Really, Britain? REALLY??