Tuesday, July 13, 2010

creepy cool

Dunno how it is for the rest of you that live in London, but whenever someone comes to visit I get to see something new. Latest adventure was with my sister and her boyfriend, and we went a zillion places. My memory is pretty hazy, since I'm writing this blog to procrastinate writing my dissertation, but Westminster Abbey - that was creepy cool. Creepy because of all the dead people in there, and cool because they are uber-famous. According to its website, the Abbey's been around for a thousand years, so it's collected a LOT of dead people. Poets, artists - Tennyson, Chaucer, Browning...scientists - Darwin, Newton....kings, queens - most of them, knights...I won't list them all because it will BLOW YOUR MIND.

Oh, and it's incredibly Gothic, really one of the best examples of the Gothic period of architecture I've seen here.

So, to sum up - if you are into:
a. churches
b. famous dead people
c. gothic
d. all of the above

you will love the Abbey. Go, pay the £10 or so fee, and pay your respects.


  1. Love this post!! It's great and will definitely settle for option d).
    Btw, you made the sketches??? Pretty good stuff!!

  2. thanks, Esteban! yes, i did. i was making them when my camera was broken. now i have gotten lazy.
