Sunday, October 4, 2009

poli sci meets jitsu

I never thought it could happen. But I've managed to find a club that out-nerds even me: Jitsu on LSE campus. Martial arts meets political science. To give you an idea of just how nerdtastic this club is, when we went out for drinks after the first meeting, I got into a conversation with one of the guys about the World Trade Organization's effects on local business. Wow. I feel so...different this is what being normal is like! Normal is relative! I never knew!
Anyway, last night was quiet for a Saturday. I found myself curled up in front of my window, with the rain beating down, sipping tea & reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Quite a world away from the frenzied weekend scene at 202 Market mere weeks ago.

This is life - lull and swell, curl and crash. You ride whatever wave you're on.

I like this one so far.


  1. gilee is quite the artist...I never knew she had it in've got competition sal for that artist of the house title.
